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How To Protect Young Tomato Plants From Frost And Low Temperatures

When the temperatures drop low and frost is in the extended forecast, it’s time to jump into action to protect young tomato plants from damage! Tomatoes are warm weather-loving crops. They thrive in the hot summer sun and warm temperatures. Unfortunately, they are also very sensitive to the cold, especially when they are young.  When …

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Why You Need To Plant Tomatoes Deep – And How To Do It!

When it comes to providing your tomatoes with a strong and healthy foundation, one of the easiest ways to ensure success is to plant your tomatoes deep. Very deep! This simple springtime planting task can make the difference between a tomato plant that thrives and grows well all season long without worry of having enough …

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Growing Tomatoes In Raised Beds – The Simple Secrets To Success!

Looking for simple tips on how to grow healthy and productive tomatoes in raised beds this growing season?  Raised beds are an excellent option for all sorts of different gardeners. Maybe you don’t have the space on your property or you have trouble physically being able to garden in a traditional garden. Whatever the reason, …

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How To Stop Blight By Growing Blight Resistant Tomatoes!

If you are looking for a simple way to keep blight from ruining your tomatoes this year, then the best way to success is by growing blight-resistant varieties. Not only are there many delicious and amazing options available to pick from, but they help to prevent blight from ever becoming a problem!  If there is …

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5 Big Mistakes To Avoid When Starting Tomato Seeds Indoors!

Looking to avoid 5 of the most common mistakes many gardeners make when trying to start tomato seeds indoors? It can be hard to beat the incredible feeling that starting and growing your own tomato plants from seed brings. Watching a tiny little seed develop into a healthy tomato plant loaded with ripening fruit is …

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The Best Mulch For Tomato Plants – 4 Amazing Mulches To Use To Grow Better Tomatoes!

One of the best ways to grow healthy, strong tomato plants that produce loads of juicy fruit is to put down a thick, protective coat of mulch around your plants as soon as you plant them. But when mulching, what you mulch with can make a huge difference in just how successful your plants are! …

Read More about The Best Mulch For Tomato Plants – 4 Amazing Mulches To Use To Grow Better Tomatoes!

How To Plant Tomatoes For Big Success! 5 Simple Secrets To Planting Tomatoes

If you are looking to plant and grow healthy and amazing tomatoes this year, today’s 5 five simple planting day secrets are sure to put you on the path to a big harvest! Tomato plants are the most popular of all crops to grow at home – and for good reason. The powerhouse producers are …

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Growing Golden Jubilee Tomatoes – How To Grow The Perfect Low Acid Tomato!

If you are looking to add amazing color and flavor to your garden this spring, you need to consider growing Golden Jubilee tomatoes. With their bright orange skins and mild flavor, they are a great addition for any home grower. Especially if you are looking to grow a low acid tomato! Golden Jubilee plants produce loads …

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Growing Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes – The Biggest Tomato Around!

If you are looking to fill your garden with one of the biggest, juiciest, show stopping tomatoes around, it’s time to try growing mortgage lifter tomato plants in your garden this year! Quite simply, this heirloom tomato plant produces one of the most massive and tastiest tomatoes you will ever see. With its unique name …

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Growing Cherokee Purple Tomatoes – The Heirloom With Big Color & Flavor!

When it comes to one of the most flavorful and beautiful tomatoes you can have in your garden, it’s hard to beat growing the incredible heirloom Cherokee Purple tomato! This large, beefsteak-style tomato matures to a deep burgundy color on its outer skin. But it’s when you slice into this meaty tomato the real magic …

Read More about Growing Cherokee Purple Tomatoes – The Heirloom With Big Color & Flavor!