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What To Do With Tomato Plants After They Die – And Why It’s Important!

Believe it or not, what you do with your tomato plants after they die can have a huge impact on the health of your garden soil – as well as the tomato plants and other vegetables you grow in the same space in the future.  Some tomato plants die back because of natural causes and …

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How To Keep Your Tomato Plants Pest Free – 4 Natural Ways To Keep Your Plants Safe!

Looking for some simple, safe, and effective ways to keep your tomato plants pest free all summer long? There’s nothing more frustrating than having your tomato plants get overtaken by pests and insects. One minute the plants are growing healthy and strong – and the next the foliage is riddled with holes and damage.  Unfortunately, …

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How To Keep Your Tomato Plants Producing – 4 Secrets To Get More Tomatoes This Summer!

Looking for the best ways to keep your tomato plants producing a big crop of juicy tomatoes all summer long?  Tomatoes are by far one of the most popular plants to grow. Whether you grow multiple varieties in a traditional garden setting or just a few plants on your back patio, they are extremely rewarding …

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Why To Prune Tomato Suckers – And How To Do It!

One of the most confusing topics for those who love to grow tomatoes centers around the suckers that often grow on their tomato plants – or more importantly, what exactly are they and do you really need to prune them from your plants? Tomato suckers are the side shoots that grow in between the stems …

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How To Get Rid Of Aphids On Tomato Plants – 3 Easy Ways To Keep Your Tomatoes Safe!

Looking for the easiest and best way to get rid of the aphids on your tomato plants? Aphids are one of the most common causes of damage and destruction to tomato plants. The tiny insects feed on the leaves, stems, and fruit, leaving behind stunted and weak plants in the process. It can be hard enough …

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How To Help Struggling Tomato Plants – 3 Secrets To Get Tomatoes Growing!

Are you looking for a few simple ways to help your struggling young tomato plants this year finally take off and start growing? Between heavy rains, colder than normal temperatures or extreme heat, gardeners often notice a lag in the growth of their tomato plants. Even under ideal growing conditions, sometimes it can seem difficult …

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How To Water Tomato Transplants – The Secrets To Watering Young Tomato Plants!

One of the most important things you can do for young tomato transplants is to give them the right amount of water they need. In fact, proper watering can make the difference between healthy, strong tomato plants and those that struggle all season long.  Tomato plants are one of the most popular garden crops for …

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How To Use Wood Ashes On Tomato Plants – Power Your Tomatoes For Free!

Did you know that you can use the wood ashes left behind in your fire pit, wood stove, or fireplace to power your tomato plants this year to better growth, better health – and far bigger yields? Wood ashes are a byproduct that are often discarded without much thought. However, those ashes are actually packed …

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Why You Need To Support Tomato Plants Early – And The Best Way To Do It!

One of the biggest secrets to growing strong and healthy tomato plants is to support your crop as early – as in right on the very day you plant them! Tomatoes are a crop that can grow fast and furious. Because of that, they can quickly get out of hand before you know it. In …

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How To Companion Plant Tomatoes – 3 Herbs To Grow Near Tomato Plants!

Did you know that by simply growing a few companion plants and herbs near your tomato plants – that it can have a huge impact on not only their overall health – but also the size, success, and even flavor of the harvest?  As wild as it might sound, there are actually several herbs and …

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