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Why To Plant Basil With Tomato Plants – 5 Great Ways Basil Helps Tomatoes Grow Better!

Did you know that one of the best ways to help your tomato plants grow healthier and stronger – and produce better tasting tomatoes is to plant basil nearby? When it comes to dynamic duos in the kitchen, it doesn’t get much better than basil and tomatoes. Whether you are enjoying a fresh tomato, basil …

Read More about Why To Plant Basil With Tomato Plants – 5 Great Ways Basil Helps Tomatoes Grow Better!

How To Stop Blight By Growing Blight Resistant Tomatoes!

If you are looking for a simple way to keep blight from ruining your tomatoes this year, then the best way to success is by growing blight-resistant varieties. Not only are there many delicious and amazing options available to pick from, but they help to prevent blight from ever becoming a problem!  If there is …

Read More about How To Stop Blight By Growing Blight Resistant Tomatoes!